Use the Certifications window to designate the SBOE endorsements for which the employee is qualified.
If you're entering a new employee and you're still in the employee's record in the Staff Manager window, skip to step 6.
Select Finance from the Module pull-down list on the top of the screen.
Select Staff Manager from the HR menu, and that window opens.
Click the Add/Find Staff link in the upper right corner, and the Find Staff window opens.
Enter either a name, SSN, or birthdate, and click Search.
Click the in the Search Results for
the employee you want to edit, and the employee record opens.
Click the Certifications tab, and the Certifications Editor window opens.
To enter a PK certification,
continue with step 8.
To enter other certifications, skip to step x.
Click the PK Certifications link, and the PK Certifications window opens.
Click Edit Attributes / Values, and the PK Certifications Editor window opens.
Select the PK Teacher Requirement from the pull-down list.
Click Save, and you're returned to the PK Certifications window.
Click Return to Certifications Menu.
Click the Other Certifications link, and the Other Certifications window opens.
Click Add Certification, and the Other Certifications Editor window opens.
Complete the fields as described. All fields are required.
Specialization: Enter the specialization from the employee's teaching certificate.
Primary Source: Select from Alternative and SBEC.
Highly Qualified?: Defaults to false; if needed, change to true.
Effective Date: Enter the effective date from the certificate.
Click Save, and you're returned to the Other Certifications window.
If needed, repeat steps 14 - 16 to add more certifications.
When finished adding certifications, click Return to Certifications Menu to add documents or Return to List if done with certifications.
Return to Staff Manager Overview