Attendance Changes for Remote Learning

In order to accommodate part-time and/or full-time online learning, WebSmart has added features to handle remote attendance tracking.

These features may be used only if the district has applied to TEA — and received approval — for remote learning.

The state now provides for three ways of being present when remote learning is approved:

Different types of attendance tracking by campus

Each campus may be set up separately for different types of attendance tracking as described in the situations below.

  1. Campus-wide remote synchronous attendance model.

  2. Campus-wide remote asynchronous attendance model.

  3. Campus-wide on campus/in person attendance model.

  4. Hybrid model where students are on different attendance models.

Backdating attendance

Attendance may now be recorded or edited for some days previous to the current date depending on the setting designated by the administrator.

Set up the system for remote attendance

  1. Set up the Grade Book backdating window, if desired

  2. Create attendance codes for remote attendance

  3. Designate default attendance codes for each campus

  4. Edit the grading calendar - attendance model for entirely remote learning, if needed

Post attendance using the remote attendance features