Payroll Overview

The Payroll module works with the Human Resources module and is used to define, manage, and process employee pay. This module is also where payroll liabilities are paid, and W-2s are processed.

Payroll setup

  1. Set up pay schedules

  2. Enter additional allowances

  3. Enter workman's compensation categories and policies

  4. Enter supporting data

Payroll processing

Monthly payroll processing consists of four main parts. Click here for a monthly payroll checklist. The checklist includes links to topics with instructions.

  1. Complete pre-processing tasks.

  2. Create, edit, and reconcile the payroll batch.

  3. Make payroll payments and terminate employees.

  4. End of month procedures.

Additional Payroll topics & functions

About benefit programs

Anatomy of the payroll batch window

Anatomy of the payroll payment detail window


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