Scheduling Overview

Set up the Scheduling module

In order for the Scheduling module to function properly, it must first be set up following the steps in the prescribed order. After the initial setup, you don't have to complete steps 3, 5, and 6 every year, but you should review courses, graduation plans, and academic plans, and update them if necessary.

  1. Create the instructional period/calendar for the new year in Admin > District > Instr. Periods

  2. Link the campus to the attendance track in Admin > District > Campuses > Annual Information. Note: This step doesn't have to be completed before beginning to create the schedule, but it is required before scheduling students.

  3. Create the course catalog in Students > Scheduling > Course Catalog > Courses

  4. Run the Course Catalog report to verify that the courses are setup as you wish. You can export this report to Excel to ease sorting and filtering.

  5. Create graduation plans in Students > Scheduling > Graduation Plans

  6. Optional. Create academic plans in Admin > District > Campuses. Academic plans are used in automatic scheduling; they have to exist, but they don't have to be configured for homeroom or manual scheduling.

Create schedules

Create a new schedule from scratch

Copy a schedule

Other Scheduling topics & functions

About dual credit courses

About graduation plans

About academic plans

About calendar models

About scheduling schemes

Contact tracing report


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